Quality policy


VHE continuously seeks opportunities to improve provided services in order to meet our customer’s requirements by delivering quality products & services. Our core values are Invention – Innovation – Ingenuity.

VHE adheres to these core values and a Quality Management System that is organized according to requirements outlined in ISO 9001:2015. This includes the commitment to meet the needs of our customers, as well as legal and regulatory requirements. Continuous development and improvement of the Quality Management System ensures it remains effective. Providing only quality services and products will ensure we achieve our aim of a long-term success and sustainable improvements.

All personnel within the company are responsible for the quality of their work. VHE provides training for its employees and has established system that supports all personnel to achieve the standards required.

In event of customer complaints, we are committed to address the complaint and implement corrective measures for future development. The quality policy, organization and procedures necessary to comply with the standards, are described in our Quality Management System.

The Quality Manager is responsible for monitoring the system and reports regularly to the CEO on the system´s implementation, status and effectiveness.